Hotel News

Our new upcycled oil lamps

In each room, on the terrace or on the balcony, you can find oil lamps, so you can enjoy the mild nights of Guanacaste, before going to sleep.

These lamps are made of a ceramic base and a glass vase. Unfortunately, these glass vases were very fragile and used to shatter very easily, so we started looking for alternatives, which was not an easy task. To find a glass vase that looked nice, was resistant and was available here in Costa Rica was not that obvious.
Until a few weeks ago, when Danilo, one of our staff members, had a great idea: to upcycle used glass bottles - which we had a lot of!
It was a win win win solution; we had ready-available lamps, more resistant then the old ones, they looked good, it’s a solution that supported our sustainability vision and they were even for free!

Old lamp

New lamp

The next step was to figure out how we could cut and prepare the bottles for their new life as a lamp vase. Another one of our staff members, Sergio, came up with a clever solution. He built a small machine, consisting of a round wire that heats up with electricity. The glass bottle is placed within the wire, and continuously rotated, until the heath of the wire produced by the electricity cuts the bottle.

We are always surprised and grateful for the creativity and affection with which our team members at Capitán Suizo look for solutions together. In a very practical, simple and environmentally friendly way.

Now, we can offer our guests our new upcycled oil lamps!

Compiled by Milena Re
Marketing Assistant – Hotel Capitán Suizo
June 7th, 2022

Capitán Suizo’s New Year’s resolutions

Expand our organic garden

We are working on our organic garden using biodynamic agriculture, in order to be able to offer the freshest and most organic products in our restaurant.

Give a sustainability tour

We want to offer a tour of the Hotel to our guests, going through some interesting points from a sustainability point of view. On the tour we will explain the various practices we use at Capitán Suizo and give some information about native trees and plants.

Increase the life quality of our team

Starting in January the entire Capitán Suizo team will work only 5 days a week, instead of 6.
We are one of the first hotels in Costa Rica to implement this work system and we hope that this will greatly improve the quality of life of our team, so they can enjoy more of their free time, hobbies and time with their families and friends.

Maintain and improve our sustainability practices

As we do every year we want to work on our sustainability practices and improve them where we can. This year we would like to use fewer plastic bottles, replacing them with recyclable glass bottles.

Increase the variety of activities offered to our guests

We want to offer more activities to our guests. Since last year we have been offering yoga classes in front of the beach, and this year we would like to start offering salsa classes in our restaurant.

Continue to support the community and socio-environmental projects

We want to continue supporting our community. We are building trailers that ADIT (Tamarindo Community Development Association) will be able to use as offices and rooms for their collaborators.
We will also continue to support associations and foundations that work for the welfare of animals, the environment and people, such as Strobel Stiftung and the Pack for a Purpose initiative.

Compiled by Milena Re 
Marketing Assistant – Hotel Capitán Suizo 
December 31th, 2021